Giovanni Orsina

Giovanni Orsina
Giovanni Orsina is Professor of Contemporary History and Director of the School of Government at Luiss-Guido Carli University in Rome. He taught at the Universities of Bologna, L'Aquila and La Sapienza, University of Rome. He was also a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford, Sciences Po Paris, and the ENS Cachan. He is a founding member and vice-president of the Association for Political History. He is the author of five monographs and about fifty essays and edited thirteen volumes and monographic issues of journals on twentieth-century European politics, published in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. Among his latest publications: The Democracy of Narcissism. A brief history of anti-politics (2018); Il berlusconismo nella storia d'Italia (2013; English translation 2014; French translation 2018); Political Enemies in Republican Italy (2017, with Marco Gervasoni); European Political Cultures and the European Integration Process (2015, with Lucia Bonfreschi and Antonio Varsori). He is an editor for the Turin newspaper “La Stampa”. He regularly comments on Italian and European politics for a wide range of media - he has been interviewed by the BBC, CNN, Bloomberg News, Al Jazeera International, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Economist, Le Figaro, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, El Mundo, El Pais, Yomiuri Shimbun, among others.