Cristiana Cimino

Cristiana Cimino

Cristiana Cimino is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst of Freudian and Lacanian Training, full member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, an organ of the International Psychoanalytical Association. She was co-editor of the "European Journal of Psychoanalysis". Currently is a member of the Elvio Fachinelli Institute-ISAP (Institute of Advanced Studies in Psychoanalysis) and the Editorial Board of the magazine "Vestigia" ( She published many essays in various languages, including Il discorso amoroso. Dall'amore della madre al godimento femminile (Manifestolibri, 2015) and, recently, Tra la vita e la morte. La psicoanalisi scomoda (Manifestolibri, 2020).