Fabrizio Palombi

Fabrizio Palombi
Fabrizio Palombi is Associate Professor at the University of Calabria where he teaches Philosophy of Psychoanalysis He is also Professor of the four-year School of Specialization in Psychotherapy ICLeS, and director of “L’inconscio. Rivista italiana di filosofia e psicoanalisi” and of the collection Le dehors. Psicoanalisi e pensiero francese contemporaneo (Mimesis editions). He is member of the Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy, of the International Research Area on Foundations of the Sciences (Lateran University), of the Husserl Circle, and of the scientific committees of the journals “Bachelard Studies”, “Bollettino filosofico”, “Philosophy Study”, “Segni e comprensione”, and the collections “Clinica psicoanalitica dei legami sociali” (FrancoAngeli) and “Strumenti e ricerche” (Guida). Palombi has been Visiting Professor at M.I.T., University of Havana and University of Valencia and member of the Lacanian Psychoanalytic Forum and the research group "Epistemology and Psychoanalysis" of the Centro Milanese di Psicoanalisi. He edited eight other volumes in Italian and English, and is the author of a hundred articles and four monographs: Il legame instabile. Attualità del dibattito psicoanalisi-scienza (FrancoAngeli, 2002); La stella e l’intero. La ricerca di Gian-Carlo Rota tra fenomenologia e matematica (Boringhieri, 2003 e Taylor & Francis, 2011); Jacques Lacan (Carocci, 2009-2019) ed Elogio dell’astrazione. Gaston Bachelard e la filosofia della matematica (Mimesis, 2017).